Organizing Digital Computer Files
Have you ever opened your PC or Laptop and wanted to throw it because you couldn’t find what you were last working on and feel stressed?
Because all you can see is a disorganized mess of files on your PC or laptop? If so, it is time to de-clutter your computer so that you can find what you need.
You will also save space on your hard drive by deleting what you don’t need to keep.
I am in the process of de-cluttering My Computer Files so that I can sync all my files on My Main PC, and Laptop.
As I can’t find Files when I need them. So I am now in the process of decluttering and Organizing what feels like a never-ending pile of files, emails, text messages, photos and more. If you have the same problem with Digital Clutter -read about how I am decluttering my digital files...
Unlike clutter in your home Digital clutter on your PC, laptop or Mobile Phone is hidden from sight until you click on an icon or file on your PC, Laptop or your Mobile Phone. If you just let it build up and delete anything you will then find yourself not being able to add anything you do want to keep, due to the emails, messages, and photos, clogging up your Folders you will then have to make split-second decisions on which file, Photo, Message etc to delete or your PC Laptop or Mobile Phone Will slow to a crawl
I don’t know how many times I’ve searched for one particular document in my mountain of messy computer files and couldn’t find it. Even after using the “Search” feature, it doesn’t help if your files are a mess and you can’t remember the file name of that ONE thing you need. I have even found loads of duplicated files as I forgot I had saved something and forgot the name of the file, I even have some files with names that are too long and won’t open and take up space on my hard drive.
This is why I have started to save my files on USBs I have files on 4 different USBs Images and Photos, Blogging, My Website and Organised Home.
They are great for transferring from my PC to my Laptop so I don’t have to carry loads of folders around. I will also be decluttering them too.
(check out links below to my other Blogs on De-Cluttering).
So I finally decided to put in the effort to organize all those computer files and declutter my digital life
I can then switch from my PC to my Laptop and find what I have been working on my PC instead of wasting time trying to find something I want to add to another project.
*By neatly organizing computer files, you can easily find your important documents at a moment’s notice and Organizing Your Computer Saves Time which you can then use to do something you enjoy.
You will also get more done if you can find the exact file you need
Because we all lead busy Lifestyles and now have many ways to contact our Friends and Family, also some of us now work from home since we all went into Lockdown on 23rd March 2020 when Covid became a worldwide coronavirus pandemic after an unexpected increase in the number of cases of Covid.
We had a year of restrictions on our movements and how we worked, and because of this many of the workforce who had worked from home during the Covid lockdown didn’t want to go back to their workplace, some businesses allowed their workers to carry on working from home, it was also cheaper as employees didn’t have to use public transport so saved on time and money getting to work, and owners of businesses whose employees wanted to work from home saved on business costs like heating and many who now work from home only go in every couple of weeks for meetings to update their bosses and then given more work tasks.
So because of this we also have work files, personal emails, chats with our Friends on WhatsApp and more stored on our Computers
Sort Out Your Desktop
Does your desktop screen look like a jumbled mess of icons? If so, then consolidate all of your loose files, photos, downloads, etc into organized folders and Get Rid of “Any Loose” Files on Your Desktop by filing them away on your Bookmarks, or a USB, then make a desktop wallpaper organizer, for any files or folders you use frequently.
• You can either create your own Desktop Wallpaper Organizer or just add some Folders on your Desktop to keep the ones you use the most.
How to create a new folder in Windows:
• Right-click with your mouse on any blank area on your desktop or inside another folder.
• Select “New”.
• Then select “Folder”.
• Type the name that you want to use for your new folder.
• Press “Enter”.

Add A Desktop Wallpaper Organizer.
I was checking out how to organize my desktop as I wanted something I would see as soon as I went on my Computer and I discovered on YouTube and google how to add a desktop wallpaper organizer.
I put together my layout to make my desktop organizer, personal to my Lifestyle.
The purpose of a wallpaper organizer for your desktop is to organize frequently used files into different categories so you can find them easily.
You can even add a nice background have a look at Canva Free or Pro for templates for different layouts and add what you would like to use when you open your desktop and tailor it to fit your Lifestyle,
You can separate your files on your desktop wallpaper organizer by:
• Work in progress – For files that you are currently working on
• Personal documents,
• Downloads
• Work documents,
• Things to file, archive, or move to external storage
• you can even add a Calender etc.
I would need Folders, a calendar, a clock, and a notepad for quick notes for my Personal and Work Files as I work online from home.

You can keep them in a secure place and use them on your Computer offline as you wouldn't have to go online to access them and I think the following types of documents are safer in your own home To make them more secure you could put them into a lockable fireproof box With the original document copies and just use the saved copy of each document for instant access if needed. and even have them in separate boxes if you want to.
Here are a few computer organization ideas to get you started I would store the following on USBs:
• Family Photos – Can be organized by Family or Friends, Day’s Out, Holiday, Year, etc.
• Work Documents
• Financial Documents – Bank statements, Stock statements, etc.
• Personal Documents
• Important Documents to Keep on File
If you have many large computer files that are bogging down your hard drive, I would Invest in a Good Flash Drive to clear out some of your computer storage.
Or, you can also opt to store your files in Google Drive
Google Drive offers users up to 15 GB of free storage, and it is VERY user-friendly. sharing it with Gmail and Google Photos. And, if you need more storage, you can upgrade:
How much is Google Drive storage in the UK?
Google One offers three plans with different pricing: Basic plan with 100 GB for £1.59 per month. Standard plan with 200 GB for £2.49 per month. Premium plan with 2,000 GB for £7.99 per month.15 Dec 2023 Check it out and see if it's for you. If it isn't for you can look at other cloud storage platforms as they all have their pros and cons. Find the one most suitable for your lifestyle and what you can afford.
The same goes for your other computer files that need to be organized.
Use broadly categorized computer folders and then separate the contents into more detailed folders.
Here are a few examples of how to organize computer files with nesting folders to add to USBs
• Photos
◦ By year – 2020, 2019, 2018 etc
◦ Days Out
◦ Holidays
◦ Important events – birthdays, weddings, graduation, etc.
• Finances
◦ Bank statements
◦ Stock statements
◦ Work -Payslips, Tax returns
• Use the Person's Surname and their first Name
◦ Personal documents – birth certificate, social security card, etc.
◦ School documents – You can save school work and artwork for sentimental purposes by scanning it into your computer and organizing it by School attended and year).
◦ Medical documents – Health Records, medical history, etc.
So for instance, inside your “Photos” folder would be a folder named “Family Photos 2019”, “Holiday In France 2018”, etc.
These nesting folders make it much easier to find files (like photos!) which often have non-descriptive names like “IMG-9255”.
Get rid of files and downloads that you no longer need. You probably have at least a few of these files stored on your computer:
Go through your computer and delete anything that is not a necessity.
• Duplicate files
• Scanned files you no longer need – driver’s licence copy, etc.
• Blurry, duplicate, or random photos
• Internet downloads that you no longer need
Make sure that you check through all your
Bookmarks, Documents, Downloads, Photos, Notes including Sticky Notes and Zip Files.
Also, the Office Suites you use have the following Applications - Writer (word processing), Calc (spreadsheets), Impress (presentations), Draw (vector graphics and flowcharts), Base (databases), and Math (formula editing). (I use Libre Office).
As with Paper Clutter, I declutter any links to websites or online images. Also, anything I save to look at later which I find online in my emails or on Twitter, Facebook eBay or Amazon. I file to Read/watch later then I file away in a folder or on Google Drive or delete it if it no longer interests me.
Online Receipts of anything I buy and only keep what is useful to my Lifestyle.
I Will be checking through all my online files every few months to make sure that I don't keep anything that is not useful to my Lifestyle.
I don't store any Legal documents, receipts or Photos on online storage just websites I want to check out or keep so I can find them another time.
How you store your documents and files is dependent on your lifestyle and personal preferences.
I only keep Long Term The following legal documents as Hard Paper Copies and on my USBs for instant access
Birth Certificates, Marriage Certificates and personal photos of my Family and Friends
Work Documents that relate to Work Current Job and any previous jobs. P60's P45's Wage Slips for the last 7 years and the last Wage Slips from any previous jobs. Any References,
Any School Reports and Exam Certificates.
And when you’re done, empty your computer’s trash bin.
I could free up about 70% of my computer’s storage space by doing this!
Put New Computer Files and Documents in The Proper Place Immediately
Once you’ve organised your computer files, commit to keeping up with your new computer organization system. Be sure to file away new downloads and documents immediately, or at the end of every work day.
If you take an extra 5 minutes each day to organize your new computer files, it will save you a lot of time in the long run, and you’ll be able to find the items that you need more quickly. And not waste time searching.
When I finish working online I do a final check of my email inbox, then I just quickly open my “Downloads” folder and move EVERYTHING in there to its proper home.
That way I don’t have to spend hours trying to re-organize everything again.
Hope these easy digital clutter tips have inspired you to organize computer files!
It may take a while, but you’ll be glad you did it as it will save your sanity!
I live in the UK and Use Windows 10.

Linda Aitken-Smith 10.05.2024
©2022-2030 Lifestyle Choices Goals & Dreams
If you haven't already seen them check out my other Blogs on Dr-Cluttering Your Home

Declutter And Organise Your Living Space For A Stress-Free Life!

Eliminate Your Paper Clutter And Organize Your Life