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An Open Door Policy will have serious societal
and economic impacts,
unchecked migration is not the solution.
This could change Your Life In the UK
as you know it now!
EXPOSED: Starmer allegedly giving illegal immigrants UK citizenship in 'completely disgraceful' move.
Kier Starmer is now going to give UK Citizenship to All Legal and Illegal Migrants without even checking their background - FREE!!
From what I have seen on the Internet it will be FREE!! We will soon find out in the coming weeks!
As Illegal Migrants won't have the funds to pay to get Citizenship especially if they have come across the Channel in a Flimsy Boat with 50+ other Migrants provided by the People Smugglers in France.
This could also mean that they will be entitled to and could apply for - ALL THE BENEFITS THEY CAN GET WITHOUT PAYING A PENNY INTO THE SYSTEM, this is the latest policy decision from our Prime Minister Kier Starmer.
In 2023, the Illegal Migration Act 2023 introduced a citizenship ban for those who entered the United Kingdom illegally on or after the 7th of March 2023. This meant that people who met a specific criteria and entered the UK illegally could never naturalise as British citizens
The amount of Migrants coming across to Britain is unsustainable now it will become even worse if Kier Starmer gives UK Citizenship to All Legal and Illegal Migrants
From begining of 2018 to the end of 2024
A total of 36, 816 Migrants crossed the Channel between France and the UK.
An Open Door Policy will have serious societal and economic impacts unchecked migration is not the solution.
As the following will occur-
It will put a strain on public services
More competition for jobs.
Potential for even more societal tensions across the UK.
Watch the Crime Rate Double as more migrants come across unchecked into the UK.
If this turns into constant regular Mass Immigration
The UK will soon be overpopulated, we are an Island which is having problems with erosion and homes falling into the Sea. That is why we can't have any Illegal Migration, and all Migrants will have to Integrate properly and not demand or expect our Customs or how we dress etc to to change to accommodate anyone who wants to live in the UK. Any Illegal Migrants that have come to the UK will have to be deported as we don't have the space needed to build houses etc Any Housing should be prioritised for those here legally.
British citizens 'by descent' and those accepted to live here legally will have to accept that Britains Culture, Customs and way of life will never change.
More Housing will be built to house the ever-constant influx of Migrants and their families. So they will soon run out of the empty homes across the UK and will eventually have to build on grey and brownfield land, then they will start encroaching on the Green belt land.
"Building on grey and brownfield land" refers to the development of property on land that was previously used for urban development ("brownfield") and land that is considered "grey belt," which is typically former developed land located within a protected green belt area, allowing for more construction than traditional green belt land but with stricter regulations regarding development.
UK Green Belt Land vs. Grey Belt Land vs Brownfield land
30 Sept 2024 — No matter the type of Grey Belt land that is released for development, it will be subject to a stricter set of 'golden...
What is the 'grey belt' and how many homes could Labour build? - BBC
30 Jul 2024 — Nevertheless, Sam Stafford from the Home Builders Federation believes that building on both the grey belt and
The lie of the land – what types of land can you build on? - CB Homes
28 Nov 2024 — The fact that the land has previously been used gives planners the perfect opportunity for redevelopment projects.
CB Homes
Key points about building on grey and brownfield land:
Redevelopment potential:
Both grey and brownfield land offer opportunities to redevelop existing urban areas, potentially helping to address housing shortages and revitalize neglected neighbourhoods.
Planning considerations:
Building on these types of land usually requires careful planning due to potential contamination issues (on brownfield sites) and strict regulations on development within the grey belt.
Environmental benefits:
Utilizing grey and brownfield land can minimize the need to build on pristine greenfield land, helping to preserve natural ecosystems.
Challenges and costs:
Depending on the site's condition, building on brownfield land may involve expensive remediation to address contamination. Grey belt development often comes with additional planning requirements like providing affordable housing and enhancing local infrastructure
We have enough problems already -
Knife Crime across the country.
Grooming Gangs across the UK
Grooming Gangs across the UK
Which the Labour Government seems to be ignoring as they are not proactively trying to stop them.
Instead, they offering token gestures for example, the 5 mini reports which won't have the power to compel witnesses or uncover the full extent of the problem and are a deliberate attempt so they don't have to face the truth and these reports are half measures, to try and appease the British Public so that the real truth won't be revealed like a full public enquiry will unearth if it is done properly by an independent body not linked to or accountable to the labour government.
These mini reports won't address the systemic issues of Child sexual abuse by the grooming gangs across the country which seem to be racially motivated against White British people of the UK by Pakistani men.
Kier Starmers Cabinet Have now been accused of been the soft touch of Europe!
They have decided to repeal and destroy the laws that were brought in by the Conservative Governent previously that made it almost impossible for illegal migrants to become legal citizens.
Kier Starmer said it was probably best to make them UK Citizens? Check Out: Border Security, Asylum and Immigration Bill 2024-25 link below at the end of the Blog
In the first half of 2024 more than 1300 Illegal Migrants were caught falsifying information about their ages at present
Two Home Office Staff assess migrants from small boats arrival on their physical appearance and demeanour?
Kier Starmer said don't worry if they self-identify as 17 years old even when they are 35 years old of age that's ok we will believe all Migrants?
The Border Security Asylum and Immigration Bill which was Published Friday, 31 January, 2025
The Border Security, Asylum and Immigration Bill was introduced in the Commons on 30 January 2025 and is due to have its second reading on 10 February in Parliament
**will reverse Clauses 37-39 would repeal **much of the asylum legislation passed under the Sunak government. All of the Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Act 2024 would be abolished, and most of the Illegal Migration Act 2023.
The Border Security, Asylum and Immigration Bill was introduced in the Commons on 30 January 2025 and is due to have its second reading on 10 February 2025. This page provides a short summary of the bill’s provisions; a full briefing will be published in advance of second reading.
The Labour government had proposed the bill in the King’s Speech of July 2024. It was to contain three elements: modernising the asylum and immigration system, establishing a new Border Security Command within the Home Office, and applying powers usually reserved for terrorism to organised immigration crime (see the King’s Speech 2024:background briefing notes, PDF).
As introduced, the bill is largely focused on law enforcement powers and the Border Security Command. It does not make major changes to the asylum and immigration system, other than to repeal most provisions of the Illegal Migration Act 2023 (passed under the Conservative government).
The long title of the bill is:
A Bill to Make provision about border security; to make provision about immigration and asylum; to make provision about sharing customs data and trailer registration data; to make provision about articles for use in serious crime; to make provision about serious crime prevention orders; to make provision about fees paid in connection with the recognition, comparability or assessment of qualifications; and for connected purposes.
The Home Office has published explanatory notes, a delegated powers memorandum, a human rights memorandum and an impact assessment alongside the text of the bill itself. A press release of 30 January 2025 gives an additional overview of the bill from the government’s point of view.
Summary of the clauses
The bill as introduced consists of 57 clauses and two schedules. In contrast to recent immigration bills, none are ‘placeholder’ clauses to be filled in at a later stage (see Commons Library briefings CBP-9275, Nationality and Borders Bill 2021-22 and CBP-9747, Illegal Migration Bill 2022-23).
Clauses 1-12 would require the Home Secretary to appoint a Border Security Commander in the civil service. The Commander’s main substantive function would be to set strategic priorities in relation to border security. Other relevant agencies would be required to cooperate with the Commander so far as possible and be represented on a board which must be consulted when setting the strategic priorities. The Border Security Commander would not be independent but would take direction from the Home Secretary.
Clauses 13-18 would create criminal offences in relation to unauthorised migration. It would be a crime to supply or receive almost any item which the person knows or suspects will be used to facilitate illegal travel to the UK. It would also be a crime to collect information likely to be useful for illegal journeys if there is a reasonable suspicion that it would be used to help other people make such a journey. These are inspired by existing offences in counter-terrorism legislation and can be committed both inside and outside the UK.
Clauses 19-26 would allow for seizure of things on which information about facilitating illegal immigration might be stored electronically. The government’s communications about the bill make clear that in practice this means mobile phones. Immigration and police officers would be allowed to search people arriving without permission, take their phone and download relevant information.
Clauses 27-33 would allow HMRC to share customs information with UK and foreign government agencies. There are various stipulations on onward sharing and use of that information, which must be in line with data protection laws. This part of the bill also permits the Transport Secretary to pass trailer registration information to the Home Office and law enforcement agencies.
Clauses 34-35 would allow immigration officers to take biometric details (fingerprints and a facial scan) from people abroad who are being considered for relocation to the UK. The Home Office says this is intended for urgent evacuation scenarios. click on the link at the end of this Blog for more information. Border Security, Asylum and Immigration Bill 2024-25
Many of the Tory's previous attempts to stop the boats that includes
formally repealing the Rawandan deportation scheme The Rawandan plan was officially scrapped by the Labour Government just after they took office on 4th July 2024.
People Smugglers crammed more people onto their flimsy boats 78 people died in 2024 trying to make the journey across to the UK illegally. Net Migration in 2023 & 2024 reached nearly1 million
So in 2025 there will be even more migrants coming across the channel in boats illegally.
Now we have had Mass Migration and Open Borders!
Now Kier Starmer says we are going to offer FREE UK Citizenship to everyone.
This won't affect Kier Starmer but it will affect the lives of the British UK Citizens already here through legal immigration who have paid to come to the UK and those who are here by birth. Everyone will be wondering why this has happened.
Controlling TheBorders
Illegal Migrants now
The Rawandan plan cost the UK 270 million - no deportations and when Kier Starmer cancelled the plan the UK had an opportunity had a chance to ask for a refund to try and get our money back but Kier Starmer said they could keep it???
Kier Starmer has a track record:
As a Technical Lawyer who was also a Political Activist as well. Before he became a Politician Kier Starmer and his current Attorney General Richard Hermer actually fought very hard and campaigned for Mr Al Jeddaha a few years ago for a terror suspect to come back to the United Kingdom who was arrested in 2004 by Western Forces in the Middle East. Suspected of taking part in attacks on US Coalition forces at the time. following the invasion by the UK & the US
His Legal team KS and attorney general...
They said his detention was unlawful and cited international laws
and the European Convention of human rights this wasn't about vulnerable refugees or innocent civilians this was about Islamists this is part of his plan to ruin the UK and British national security.
Kier Starmer signed a letter dated 30th November 2020 -Opposing the deportation of foreign criminals from the UK that included Ernesto Elliot.
Who later commited murder after his deportation was blocked by Kier Starmer .
Quote. Starmer, along with several other cross-party parliamentarians, put his name to a letter urging the government to halt deportation flights of foreign criminals, including one Ernesto Elliott.
Elliott, a Jamaican national with a serious criminal record, should have been deported as planned. Instead, he was allowed to stay in Britain, where he went on to commit murder. See links below at the end of this Blog to articles published online.
The job of public office holders as Prime Minister or as a Politician, their job is to protect the British people and the Constitution but every time a decision from Kier Starmer and Labour Socialist...lefties...it harms the British people of the UK.
It also prioritises the others who supported the return of the ISIS Bride Shamina Begum.
In 2004 Tony Blair granted unrestricted access to workers from new EU countries mostly from Eastern Europe leading to a significant increase in migration. Kier Starmer decided to bring back his vision.
I have seen the following Quotes from the British Public when searching the internet.
Q: STARMER is the problem. He’s raising his own private Muslim army so he can get their votes to get another 5 years.
Q: My wife who is foreign has paid so far£11000 with another £3000 to pay, for visas, she had to pay for an English test, pay for a TB scan, work and pay not only tax, insurance stamp but also pays for using the NHS, it takes altogether 5 years plus another 12 months before getting her citizenship, yet come here illegally and you can become a citizen. This is just encouraging thousands more to do the same.
Q: Kier Starmer should be sectioned he has totally lost the plot.
Q: There is no balance and restrictions which encourage crime.
Immigration To The UK Should Be For Legal Immigrants Only
To become legal citizens migrants should have transitional citizenship till they prove they are worthy of having legal citizenship. If they commit any crimes in the UK after being given Legal Citizenship they should be deported along with their family with no right to return during their lifetime. but legal immigration should be put on hold till the Country is debt-free and all the legal British citizens (British citizens 'by descent' and those who applied Legally to come to the UK and were given Asylum), have a place to live a job to support themselves and their families.
Instead of giving UK Citizenship to legal and Illegal Migrants -FREE! They should deport all illegal Migrants who have come to the UK in the last 10 years.
Stop spending Billions on crackpot schemes and stop sending money to other countries spend it on Britain and its Citizens who are here legally and have paid into the Country and are not here for a free ride.
Then concentrate on rebuilding Britain, and listen to the British people. make Britain Great again. The Government should also improve our defence by training more soldiers etc to protect our National Security.
Britain and its People should come first not last.
The British People who are here legally should be prioritised for Housing, Jobs etc. Link to Info on Housing at the end of this Blog.
Text from a previous blog I wrote in 2024-
Detain illegal migrants, deport Do not Pay them or House them
Our crime rate will go down our economy will start to improve and we can then look after the British Legal Citizens
Instead of housing Migrants who have come over to this Country in Hotels and paying them money every week per person, we need to look after British Citizens who are here legally Plus we can't afford to House this Mass Migration of Migrants who are probably low skilled (see note end of blog).
Low-paid migrant workers are an immediate drain on the public purse, costing taxpayers more than £150,000 each by the time they hit state pension age, according to the Government's tax and spending watchdog (12 Sept 2024).
Migrants will be an even bigger drain on our economy when they reach Pension Age as there will be no Government Pension and they probably won't have a Private Pension, so they will cost the Country even more as they will probably end up on Benefits.
Also, we don't know anything about Migrants who have come across and are still coming in ever-increasing numbers - and if there are Criminals or Migrants with Illnesses that could cost the Country and increase the strain on our NHS and Prisons even more, would also put even more pressure on our already creaking infrastructure. Anyone who has committed any crime in the UK and has been granted or is waiting for Asylum or has come over on Boats or through any other method should be Deported without leave to return.
The Government needs to focus on its Legal British Citizens Not Illegal Migrants who should not have been allowed to stay even 1 day they should have been returned to France as they came over to the UK.
They will then recoup 8.3 million+ a day and save even more if they remove ALL Migrants from the UK and Shut The Borders of the UK.
Our Country will start to Recover and Prosper When the Biggest Drain On the Finances of the UK has been removed. The Health Service and more will not be under the extra pressure that having Illegal Mass Migrants in our Country is doing to the UK.
And spend the savings they have Saved by removing the Major DRAIN (Illegal Migrants) and the Costs to house them plus more costs, on our Country's Finances & make Britain Great Again!
Look after Britains.....Citizens who are here legally, those who are born here 'by descent' or Legally Children, Our Workers, Our Elderly, Improve our Health Services, Our National Security, Our Cost Of Living, Our Homes....
Note: British citizen 'by descent' (meaning their eligibility for citizenship derives from their ancestors' nationality status).
If Starmer Believes in Strong Borders, Why Did He Block the Deportation of a Criminal Who Went on to Murder?
By CP -13 December 2024
Starmer and his law chief fought for terror suspect to come to Britain...
The Telegraph
25 January 2025 Ethan Croft
Foreign crooks Starmer fought to keep in UK went on to commit more crimes
By Charles Harrison, News Reporter
01:34, Thu, Mar 23, 2023 | UPDATED: 11:45, Thu, Mar 23, 2023
Action On Empty Homes
Gov UK Fact Sheets
The Need For Homes updated 16th January 2024
Migrants who are likely considered "low skilled" are those working in jobs that generally require minimal formal education or training, such as care workers, agricultural laborers, food service staff, cleaners, construction labourers, and factory workers; essentially, roles that often have low entry barriers and may not demand specialized skills beyond basic literacy and numeracy.
Job requirements:
Low-skilled jobs typically require minimal qualifications and can often be learned on the job.
Wage levels:
These jobs often come with lower wages compared to higher-skilled occupations.
Sector concentration:
Sectors like hospitality, agriculture, and cleaning often employ a large number of low-skilled migrant workers
Important nuance:
Skill misperception:
While labelled as "low-skilled," some migrant workers might possess valuable practical skills acquired through previous work experience, even if they lack formal qualifications.
Depending on the country and specific labour market, certain jobs considered low-skilled in one place might be seen as requiring more specialized skills elsewhere.
The House of Commons Library
Border Security, Asylum and Immigration Bill 2024-25
Research Briefing
Published Friday, 31 January, 2025
MPs will debate the Border Security, Asylum and Immigration Bill at the second reading on Monday 10 February 2025.
Brownfield Sites)
2025: Adapting to new planning rules
In England, 'brownfield' might not mean exactly what you think. We cut through the confusion and discuss how to get planning permission on previously developed land in 2025
27 January 2025
What is the 'grey belt' and how many homes could Labour build on it?
Tom Edgington
BBC Verify
UK Green Belt Land vs. Grey Belt Land vs Brownfield Land: Definitions
Spatial Planning
September 30th 2024
By Tom Fay
EXPOSED: Starmer allegedly giving illegal immigrants UK citizenship in 'completely disgraceful' move.
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UK Citizenship For Legal & Illegal Migrants -Free!
EXPOSED: Starmer allegedly giving illegal immigrants UK citizenship in 'completely disgraceful' move.
Then come back afterwards and
Check Out my Other Blogs on Immigration & The UK
